Please welcome Certified Health Coach Angela Powell to our team! Angela is committed to helping people achieve an optimal quality of life through nutrition and lifestyle by offering evidence based recommendations and accountability. Angela focuses on S.M.A.R.T. goals:
In addition to Health Coaching, Angela has a Bachelor's degree in Nursing and a Master's degree in Nursing Education and holds active nursing licenses in all 50 states . She works full time as an advocate for patients with a variety of health challenges.
A Note from Angela
I have been a registered nurse for over 20 years. I obtained a Bachelor’s Degree in Nursing and a Master’s Degree in Nursing Education. My career as a nurse focuses on helping ill people recover from and fight disease. Many of my patients suffered from chronic conditions aggravated, if not caused by poor lifestyle choices.
I have always actively pursued what I believe to be a healthy lifestyle, but after observing many people suffer from chronic diseases, I became more focused on nutrition as a cornerstone of healthy living. This brought me to Dr. Sear’s L.E.A.N (Lifestyle, Exercise, Attitude, Nutrition) program and my passion for Health Coaching.
Taking care of our bodies will provide a quality of life and will help one be able to deal with daily stressors effectively. A Health Coaching session may help you focus on realistic positive changes you would like to make moving forward in your health journey.
In this first newsletter, we explore what I feel are the most important challenges to health in America: Inflammation and attaining and maintaining a healthy body weight. It is my utmost priority to support your success as you work toward a sustainable healthy lifestyle. I look forward to working with you!
Kind regards,
Angela Powell, RN, MSN, Certified Health Coach